Category Archives: Events
BOCC to Vote on the East Boulder Creek (a.k.a. “Prairie Run Open Space”) Management Plan this Thursday, Jan. 25
Trail advocates, please support this plan!
The Board of County Commissioners will hold a public hearing on Thursday, Jan. 25, at 9:30 a.m. to review the East Boulder Creek Site Management Plan, listen to public feedback, and vote whether to adopt the plan.
The plan outlines the department’s land management strategies for 1,377 acres of public land that will be Prairie Run Open Space when open to the public. The plan embodies the department’s multifaceted mission of conservation and public use that reflects the community’s values. With respect to conservation and stewardship components, the plan includes the protection of wildlife habitat, the continuation of sustainable agriculture, and the restoration of wetlands and stream corridors associated with both Boulder and Coal Creeks.
Addressing community requests for access and recreation, the department’s plan proposes a variety of recreational opportunities while also respecting the important natural features of the site. The Parks & Open Space Advisory Committee unanimously recommended conditional approval to the Board of County Commissioner’s at the Dec. 14, 2023, meeting.
The meeting will take place in the Commissioners’ Hearing Room, Downtown Boulder County Courthouse, 1325 Pearl St., Boulder. Members of the public can attend in person, online via Zoom, or by phone.
After extensive analysis, field trips, and multiple conversations, the Boulder Area Trails Coalition (BATCO) supports this plan as outlined by staff in the document below. Furthermore, we believe that the original proposed trailhead location on 109th St will best meet the needs of the public and staff who will be managing the infrastructure, as well as providing desirable access to the future Boulder to Erie Regional Trail (BERT).
We urge you to contact the County Commissioners in support of this plan, in one of the following ways:
Call-in information: 1-833-568-8864, Webinar ID: 160 225 1339
Written public comment can be shared with the commissioners at Please submit written comments by noon on Wednesday, Jan. 24.
For more information about the management plan, the site, and the planning process, please click on this link to visit the East Boulder Creek Site Management Plan/Prairie Run Open Space webpage.
Calling all Trail Advocates! Come to a meeting about the Boulder to Erie Regional Trail, September 13, 2023
Open House for the Boulder to Erie Regional Trail (BERT) Project Learn About the BERT Project and Provide Input to Project Team Boulder County, Colo. – Boulder County, in partnership with the City of Boulder and Town of Erie, is evaluating options for the creation of a new soft-surface regional trail connection linking the City of Boulder and Erie. The project partners are hosting an in-person open house in Erie on Wednesday, Sept. 13, 2023. During this public meeting, the team will discuss project updates, evaluation criteria for different trail options, and conceptual alignments. What: Boulder to Erie Regional Trail (BERT) Project Open House When: Wednesday, Sept. 13, 2023 from 5-7 p.m. Where: Erie Community Library, Event Space East, 400 Powers St, Erie, CO 80516 A brief project presentation will begin at 5:30 p.m. followed by an open house. Background: This connection was identified in the county’s regional trails prioritization process in 2003 and is eligible for funding through the Countywide Sales Tax passed by voters in 2007 and 2022. The Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan and Boulder County Transportation Master Plan identify this trail connection as an important link in the Boulder Valley and regional trails systems. Provide your input and learn more. Visit for more information. Submit a comment or question or subscribe for project updates, or contact Tonya Luebbert, Regional Trails Planner, at or 720-564-2866. |
Cleaning Up the Lower Grindstone Quarry Trail
BATCO volunteers had a great day in October at Heil Valley Ranch removing many buckets of Cal-Wood Fire derived silt and ash from the trail steps on both sides of the creek. We also built new water bars farther up the trail. Thanks, everyone!
NOW IS THE TIME TO SIGN UP! October 9, 2021
Boulder County Parks and Open Space has been making some progress cleaning up Heil Valley Ranch after the Calwood Fire. They had hoped to be able to re-open the south of the Park this fall, but unfortunately will not be able to meet that goal until spring of 2022. However, volunteers can help accelerate the project.
What: We will be reworking the low water crossing on the Grindstone Quarry Trail, removing some remnants from the debris flow that occurred earlier this year, touching up some areas around rock steps and then adding ¾” rock to the area.
The work will be moderately strenuous and will include the use of hand tools such as McLeods, pick mattocks, rakes, and shovels. (However, you can do as much hard work or as little as you like!)
When: Saturday, October 9
Meeting time: 8:00am Project End time: 12:00 pm
Where: Please plan to meet at Lefthand Canyon/Geer Canyon Dr at 8:00 and once everyone is accounted for head towards one of the parking areas. Staff will meet us at the park entrance and then lead everyone in to the parking area.
RSVP: Chris Morrison
Please contact Chris in addition to signing the county’s waiver below so we can plan.
Here is a link for participants to sign a waiver before the project: Or you can sign up the morning of the work project on an ipad staff will provide.
Weather: The weather looks GREAT for next weekend! However, weather in Colorado is unpredictable at any time of year. It is important that you bring warm and waterproof clothing that you can work in, as we will try to complete the work even in slightly inclement weather (cold temps, light rain/snow).
What You Should Bring:
Water bottle and water
Sturdy shoes/boots – no sandals please
Pants – recommended
Work gloves (if you have a special pair) otherwise we will provide them
Layers of clothes
Rain gear
Backpack – for carrying clothing, food, etc.
Binoculars or camera (optional)
We Will Provide:
Work gloves
Extra Water
First aid kit
All necessary tools
Thanks in advance for volunteering with BATCO and Boulder County Parks & Open Space!
Help Boulder County Repair Trails at Heil Valley Ranch – October 9
SAVE THE DATE! October 9, 2021
Boulder County Parks and Open Space has been making some progress cleaning up Heil Valley Ranch after the Calwood Fire. They had hoped to be able to re-open the south of the Park this fall, but unfortunately will not be able to meet that goal until spring of 2022. However, volunteers can help accelerate the project.
Help BATCO get it done!
What: The work will entail removal of vegetation overgrowth, moving slash/trees along the trail corridor to keep the trail from widening, and redefining sections of trail that have seen sediment deposition from storms.
The work will be moderately strenuous and will include the use of hand tools such as McLeods, pick mattocks, rakes, and shovels. (However, you can do as much hard work or as little as you like!)
When: Saturday, October 9
Meeting time: 8:00am Project End time: 12:00 pm
Where: We will provide more detailed location information as we approach the date
RSVP: Chris Morrison
Weather: Weather in Colorado is unpredictable at any time of year. It is important that you bring warm and waterproof clothing that you can work in, as we will try to complete the work even in slightly inclement weather (cold temps, light rain/snow).
What You Should Bring:
Water bottle and water
Sturdy shoes/boots – no sandals please
Pants – recommended
Work gloves (if you have a special pair) otherwise we will provide them
Layers of clothes
Rain gear
Backpack – for carrying clothing, food, etc.
Binoculars or camera (optional)
We Will Provide:
Work gloves
Extra Water
First aid kit
All necessary tools
Thanks in advance for volunteering with BATCO and Boulder County Parks & Open Space!
A New Way to Support the Trail Around Boulder (TAB)
Heil Valley Ranch Corral Trailhead and new trails grand opening celebration
Boulder County, Colo. – Boulder County Board of Commissioners and Parks & Open Space staff will host a ribbon-cutting ceremony at Heil Valley Ranch, located northwest of Boulder. Staff will be celebrating the completion of the Corral trailhead and connected trails, as well as the opening of the brand new Grindstone Quarry trail, an equestrian parking lot, and the restored historical Altona School.
What: Ribbon-cutting ceremony for Corral Trailhead and new trails
When: Wednesday, Oct. 9, 4 p.m.
Where: Heil Valley Ranch Corral Trailhead, 250 Geer Canyon Rd.
Members of the public are encouraged to attend the event, enjoy the new trails, and explore the one-room schoolhouse. Staff will be on hand to talk about the new additions and improvements.
BATCO has been actively involved in developing this new trail system, including organizing several trail work days and donating a substantial sum toward the new equestrian parking lot from revenues on the sales of our Trails and Recreation Map of Boulder County.
The new trails bring the trail miles at Heil Valley Ranch to 19.5 and Heil Valley Ranch now comprises just over 6,230 acres. Because of sensitive wildlife habitat at Heil Valley Ranch, dogs are not permitted. The Grindstone Quarry Trail (east side of the valley) is a pedestrian/equestrian-only trail.
For more information about Heil Valley Ranch and directions, go to
Calling Outdoor Recreationists on Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks
This is a call to action to those who care about access to public land!
We urge you to attend the OSMP Master Plan Recreation Community Workshop Monday Nov 5, 2018 at the Jewish Community Center, 6007 Oreg Ave in Boulder from 5:30 – 8:00 p.m.
In-person comments and conversation with staff have a significant positive impact on what’s at stake.
Some recreation concerns include:
- Night time access to trailheads, trails and open space
- Dog access on trails and open space
- Off trail access or cross country travel
- Multi-use trail access
- Prioritizing maintaining current OS rather than purchasing expensive properties
- Planning methodologies that are not a fair process
Open Boulder will be providing childcare for outdoor recreation advocates attending the event.*Please RSVP at with your name, number of children and their ages. Child ages limited from 3-10 yo and a total number of kids at 12. OB will also provide pizza and a drink for parents and kids.
Please share this information with your members and anyone else you feel would like to know.
Open Boulder is also planning a get-together later in November in order to hear more of how you would like your public lands to be managed. Details will be forthcoming.
Calling All Trail Volunteers!
The new “East Side Trail” at Heil Valley Ranch is almost finished….
Help BATCO get it done!
What:Please join BATCO and Boulder County Parks & Open Space in a fun morning of completing the NEW PEDESTRIAN / EQUESTRIAN TRAIL at Heil Valley Ranch. This new trail will connect the new lower parking / trailhead at Heil with two other new trails, the upper trailhead, and the existing trail system.The work will be moderately strenuous and will include the use of hand tools such as McLeods, pick mattocks, rakes, and shovels. (However, you can do as much hard work or as little as you like!)
When: Saturday, October 27, 2018
Meeting time: 9:00am Project End time: 12:30 pm
Where: Location will be provided when you sign up
RSVP: Chris Morrison
Weather in Colorado is unpredictable at any time of year. It is important that you bring warm and waterproof clothing that you can work in, as we will try to complete the work even in slightly inclement weather (cold temps, light rain/snow).
What You Should Bring:
Water bottle and water
Sturdy shoes/boots – no sandals please
Pants – recommended
Work gloves (if you have a special pair) otherwise we will provide them
Layers of clothes
Rain gear
Backpack – for carrying clothing, food, etc.
Binoculars or camera (optional)
We will provide:
Work gloves
Extra Water
First aid kit
All necessary tools
Corny jokes
Thanks in advance for volunteering with BATCO and Boulder County Parks & Open Space!