Trail advocates, please support this plan!
The Board of County Commissioners will hold a public hearing on Thursday, Jan. 25, at 9:30 a.m. to review the East Boulder Creek Site Management Plan, listen to public feedback, and vote whether to adopt the plan.
The plan outlines the department’s land management strategies for 1,377 acres of public land that will be Prairie Run Open Space when open to the public. The plan embodies the department’s multifaceted mission of conservation and public use that reflects the community’s values. With respect to conservation and stewardship components, the plan includes the protection of wildlife habitat, the continuation of sustainable agriculture, and the restoration of wetlands and stream corridors associated with both Boulder and Coal Creeks.
Addressing community requests for access and recreation, the department’s plan proposes a variety of recreational opportunities while also respecting the important natural features of the site. The Parks & Open Space Advisory Committee unanimously recommended conditional approval to the Board of County Commissioner’s at the Dec. 14, 2023, meeting.
The meeting will take place in the Commissioners’ Hearing Room, Downtown Boulder County Courthouse, 1325 Pearl St., Boulder. Members of the public can attend in person, online via Zoom, or by phone.
After extensive analysis, field trips, and multiple conversations, the Boulder Area Trails Coalition (BATCO) supports this plan as outlined by staff in the document below. Furthermore, we believe that the original proposed trailhead location on 109th St will best meet the needs of the public and staff who will be managing the infrastructure, as well as providing desirable access to the future Boulder to Erie Regional Trail (BERT).
We urge you to contact the County Commissioners in support of this plan, in one of the following ways:
Call-in information: 1-833-568-8864, Webinar ID: 160 225 1339
Written public comment can be shared with the commissioners at boco.org/EBCMPcomment. Please submit written comments by noon on Wednesday, Jan. 24.
For more information about the management plan, the site, and the planning process, please click on this link to visit the East Boulder Creek Site Management Plan/Prairie Run Open Space webpage.